The establishment of an alternative RIP
Webinar - Wednesday, May 18, 2022 h.14.30 - 16.00
An event organized by the Wealth Management Observatory in collaboration with Nettuno Fiduciaria and Atrigna & Partners
- What are the advantages of an alternative RIP?
- Why rely on a fiduciary to set up and administer an alternative RIP?
- What types of investment instruments can be included in the alternative RIP?
- How do regulatory changes to investments in reserved closed-end funds (AIFs) impact the attractiveness of these individual savings plans? And what cautions should be observed to avoid any associated risks?
Composition constraints of the Alternative RIP and the role of the trustee in its establishment and administration
Ms. Simona Valassina | Managing Director - Nettuno Fiduciaria
Legal-fiscal framework, cautionary profiles and tax opportunities
Mr. Giuseppe Violetta | Head of Wealth Management - Morri Rossetti
Challenges and opportunities for managers and distribution networks in light of the lowering of the threshold
Mr. Alberto Manfroi | Partner - Atrigna & Partners
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