Corporate Welfare: what opportunities with the new 2017 Budget Law?
MORRI ROSSETTI in partnership with Gesam, Zucchetti and Eudaimon
Wednesday, January 18th 2017
Holds the Workshop:
"Corporate Welfare: what opportunities with the new 2017 Budget Law?"
2:15 p.m. Participants registration
2:30 p.m. Beginning of the Workshop
Introduction and coordination of works
Cristina Cengia, Lawyer Partner - Morri Rossetti
Speakers and issues discussed
Massimo Pagani, Labour Consultant– Gesam
How to elaborate a Welfare plan from a technical/operational perspective: organization and work phases.
Mario Gatti and Stefano Guarino, Lawyers – Morri Rossetti
The labour and tax aspects:
- The reference regulatory framework and the recent introductions
- Corporate welfare and productivity bonuses: contractual, tax and labour aspects
- Execution and advantages in combining corporate welfare with bonuses
Fabio Galli, Sales & Marketing Manager – Zucchetti
IT tools for the elaboration of Welfare plans
Alberto Perfumo, Engineer and Founding Partner – Eudaimon
The advantages of a welfare plan over time: cases and examples
4:45 p.m. Conclusions
Place: Morri Rossetti e Associati - Studio legale e tributario
Piazza Eleonora Duse, 2 - Milano
For more info and registration to the workshop, please contact