The New TMT & Data Protection Observatory is online

Two years after the launch of the Data Protection Observatory, Morri Rossetti decided to create the TMT & Data Protection Observatory, embracing the challenge of extending the topics covered to include tech, media, digital and tlc - both legal and fiscal.

The project stems from the desire to provide a tool that meets the needs of the close interconnection between the topics covered and a prompt response to the growing trend of regulation of the sectors concerned, strictly involved in the technological evolution, the digitalisation of business models and the consequent, and sometimes unavoidable, massive use of personal data.

Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the professionals involved, the TMT & Data Protection Observatory aims to allow clients, professionals and all readers with a passion for the subject to explore topics of their interest and to remain constantly updated on the subjects, including regulatory, legislative or jurisprudential measures, both in the data protection and in the Tech, Media and Tlc sectors.

Click here to visit the site.