Azzurra Andrea Vezzà

Azzurra Andrea Vezzà

Junior Associate
Corporate Criminal Liability


Azzurra works within the Department of Corporate Criminal liability, collaborating, in particular, in assistance, defence and legal advice in areas such as criminal law of economy, criminal tax law and administrative liability of entities.

She is currently involved, in particular, in the drafting of organizational, management and control models and in the activity of support for the defence in court, having also deepened the Whistleblowing legislation also through the activity of updating and adapting company procedures, as well as reporting channels and training activities on the subject.

She graduated in Law at Bocconi University in Milan with a thesis in criminal law entitled 'Political-mafia electoral exchange: from emergency incrimination to the new wording of Article 416-ter of the criminal code'.

She is enrolled in the register of qualified practitioners at the Milan Bar.


L’Osservatorio 231 vuole essere uno strumento utile per chi si trova ad affrontare specifiche tematiche in materia 231 e per chi intende approfondire i più recenti sviluppi del settore.