Jun Jie Yang

Jun Jie Yang

Junior Associate
TMT and Data Protection


Jun Jie operates in the TMT and Data Protection Department and provides legal assistance to Italian and foreign companies in corporate and commercial law, the regulation applicable to internet, telecommunications, ICT, media and online advertising, as well as in the preparation and implementation of corporate governance and compliance models (in particular in the field of privacy and data protection).

She graduated in Law at Bocconi University of Milan, with a thesis on intellectual property law. After graduation, she started her professional experience in the Foreign Investments and Corporate Affairs Department of a Beijing-based business advisory firm, dealing, mainly, with the drafting of commercial agreements, especially in the field of e-commerce, internet and information technology. 

Prior to joining Morri Rossetti, Jun Jie worked for a leading law firm in Milan, where she was responsible to drafting commercial agreements and providing assistance to innovative startups and to foreign companies that operate in the field of telecommunications, e-commerce, technology, online advertising of cyber world. She was also responsible to drafting and reviewing legal documents on privacy and data protection.

Jun Jie is a native Italian speaker and is fluent in Chinese and English.



L’Osservatorio TMT & Data Protection si propone di aggiornare il lettore in merito alle più rilevanti novità legali in materia di protezione dei dati personali, technology, media e telecomunicazioni.