
Samuel Mariano Nigro

Junior Associate
Labour Law and Industrial Relations


Samuel graduated in Law at Bocconi University in Milan with a thesis combining elements of Labour law and Industrial Property law: the patentability of inventions generated by artificial intelligence systems and the consequent impacts on the discipline of employee inventions.

He spent a semester in Sweden as an exchange student at the University of Gothenburg, where he attended a course in Innovation Law, which allowed him to delve into legal aspects related to the use of artificial intelligence systems.

Following an experience in a Milanese boutique firm specializing in Labour law, he joined Morri Rossetti in October 2024.

He is a registered practitioner with the Milan Bar Association.


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L'Osservatorio Labour si propone di aggiornare il lettore in merito alle più rilevanti novità normative e giurisprudenziali in materia di diritto del lavoro e di HR Management & Compliance.