Data Centres in Italy: regulatory perspectives by Stefano Morri and Andrea Grappelli in Il Sole 24 Ore
Italy has emerged as a critical hub for data centre development, drawing the attention of global giants due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean. The market is experiencing rapid growth, but it faces significant challenges related to regulation and sustainability.
In the article "Data Centres in Italy: growth opportunities in slowing markets" published by Il Sole 24 Ore, lawyers Stefano Morri and Andrea Grappelli highlight the urgent need for clear and consistent regulations. They argue that the current regulatory ambiguity could hinder the sector’s progress, slowing down the necessary investments and technological advancements to maintain Italy’s global competitiveness.
«The national legislator - notes Stefano Morri, Founding Partner of Morri Rossetti, law and tax Firm - has yet to establish specific rules for these 'new' entrepreneurial developments, which have actually been present in the country for twenty years. Instead, regulation is pieced together through a patchwork of laws: the Consolidated Environmental Act, the Consolidated Building Act, municipal regulations, and ministerial interpretations.» This fragmented approach leaves unresolved issues that could obstruct the sector’s growth. An example? «Generating sets within data centres - adds Andrea Grappelli, Partner of the Firm - are currently classified by ministerial guidelines as 'thermal plants for the production of electricity, steam, and hot water.' This classification fails to consider that in data centres, the energy produced by gensets is intended for emergency use only, rather than as a core business function. Such misclassifications risk stalling development and impeding progress.»
Read the complete article in Il Sole 24 Ore.