Mr Poppi appointed as Judicial Administrator of 'Battistolli Servizi Integrati'

Mr Massimiliano Poppi, following the application of the judicial control on 'Battistolli Servizi Integrati' (BSI) ordered by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Milan, was appointed Judicial Administrator of the company.

According to the assignment, Mr Poppi will monitor compliance with the rules and conditions of workers, taking the most appropriate measures for the specific case. The intervention of the Public Prosecutor's Office focuses in particular on workers' salary levels.

'Battistolli Servizi Integrati' (Battistolli Group) operates in the trust services sector employing around 1,200 workers in northern, central and southern Italy. The company is part of the Battistolli Group, a major player in the security and valuables transport sector in Italy.

This assignment follows the recent appointment - successfully concluded - as Judicial Administrator of the cooperative 'Servizi Fiduciari' (Sicuritalia Group), for which the Public Prosecutor's Office carried out a similar intervention.