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Vittoria Tronchin

Intellectual & Industrial Property


Vittoria deals with IP law. In particular, she assists in litigation before judicial authorities and administrative bodies, both national and European, in trademark, patent, design and unfair competition matters. She also assists clients in drafting legal opinions and contracts. 

Vittoria graduated in 2020 from the University of Verona with a thesis entitled “La disciplina internazionalprivatistica del marchio” (‘The international-privatist discipline of the trade mark’.). In 2016, she attended the Summer Law Institute on SICCEP and IP-CHINA, organized by GLAWcal, at Law School of the Beijing Foreign Studies University.

Vittoria collaborates with the department in teaching IP courses and is coauthor of the handbook “La tutela penale del patrimonio aziendale” (‘The criminal protection of corporate assets’) published by Zanichelli. 

She was admitted to Milan Bar in 2022 and is a member of LES Italy and AIPPI.